Ad Astra — My thoughts

Akshay Shetty
1 min readAug 4, 2022

“Ad Astra” was released in 2019. I did get an opportunity to watch in the theatre. The biggest mistake I think the studio did was to market it as a space thriller. It does have space stuff but it is the highlight of the movie.

  1. I really liked this movie. I think one should go with the expectations of human psychology.
  2. The main theme of the movie is depression, seeking therapy and father issues.
  3. Brad Pitt was really good in this movie. The movie demanded a calm composure not just to pass the psych evaluation but to show the audience of inner turmoil that will ultimately burst like a volcano.
  4. Brad Pitt and Tommy Lee Jones show two figures that are on identical paths to self destruction. However the discovery that there is no extraterrestrial life has two different effects on the Clifford duo. Clifford Sr loses his sense of self while Roy understood that folks on earth only have each other.
  5. Moon pirates ! Well I didn’t think that was realistic at the time of release. But seeing everything after Covid, I don’t think anything is impossible.
  6. Why did Roy have a happy ending and not in jail for life ? Well simply said, the Earth government didn’t want to embarrass themselves. So instead he is treated as a hero like his father.
  7. Someone on reddit discussion mentioned this movie as — “Apocalypse Now” in Space. Wow ! Couldn’t agree more.

