I watched Jurassic World: Dominion

Akshay Shetty
3 min readJun 13, 2022

Some random thoughts on Jurassic World: Dominion ( Spoilers )

  1. I love the first movie: Jurassic Park ( 1995 ). I think it is one of the greatest movies of all time and I include it in my personal favorites.
  2. Some of the scenes that invoke nostalgia and utter joy of wonder:

3. Doctor Malcom’s favorite line on why life crosses every boundary and thrives to survive:

4. I have some love for 2 and 3 but watching them now seem to be a very tiring experience.

5. I absolutely hate the Jurassic World movies ( 3 and 4 ). Mostly because the plot was utterly stupid for a movie that is supposed to be atleast bit scientifically accurate on many facts.

6. Jurassic World Dominion: I hate it less that the previous too but still its a bore and slog fest in the end.

7. Why is movie focused on locusts of all things . I didn’t even know they were called locusts. They could be plot for some body horror movies but not here when the promised land was full of dinosaurs.

8. Why is the clone girl important ? What does she solve that she has to kidnapped ? Why did her origins change from clone to natural born child with same dna as her mother’s ? Is it because of the way that pathogen was eliminated. Why wasn’t this important in the second movie ?

9. One thing I did like they did give one plausible explanation for Blue’s birth. A velociraptor is supposed to have feathers and quite small. Monitor Lizard’s dna could give it such a look and ability to procreate without sex.

10. Birds are living dinosaurs. End of discussion. There are lot of non-bird dinosaurs that too have feathers and beaks.

11. Giganotosaurus, largest carnivorous animal , T-Rex and Allosaurus all look cool. All of them come under the therapod that includes modern birds.

12. The animals in the cave — Dimetrodon , is more related to mammals than to the dinosaurs. That is actually such crazy thing to even imagine. Is that why they go banished to an unknown cave until the third act?

13. Apple Campus -like , Tim Cook-like . Were they trying to convey some message. I can understand the creation of demand and supply and making the world get used to the their idea of a ecology and environment.

14. The number of times Owen raising his hand as if that is clap worthy scene. Seriously how does it help him calm a raptor ? He even gave a verbal promise to a largely language devoid animal.

15. If this is end of trilogy , what did it accomplish in terms of story . It seems nothing was concluded. World doesn’t care about one corporate scandal . Dinosaurs still exist and humans are somewhat comfortable ?

16. The amount of BS technology. Aviation Defense anyone ? I mean I know it can be accomplished but the way it was told to help contain the animals looked a scientific mumbo jumbo to give audience from asking questions.

17. Why did the American lady help Claire ? She saw the girl , Claire goes to Spain and immediately meets the American lady accidentally and somehow knows she is the person who can help. Wow looks like serious edition issues and story convenience.

18. Wait , is the CIA helping Claire and Owen .Why ? I don’t remember the scene where it was mentioned.

19. Again with the laser chasing dinosaurs. Tell me how it is better than laser pointed guns . To allow thrilling car, bike chase scenes mostly.

20. What is the shaving aerosol can has to do with themes of the movie ? I see it connects the first movie but why bother when you have entire pure species of dinosaurs.

21. The worst villian of all ? Corporate CEO everyone ! Wow talk about a boring character who brings nothing to the table .

22. Why were we rooting for T-Rex every movie ? Is he aware of us or its just nostalgia.

23. Why is Blue saying goodbye in every movie ?

24. In the end we mixed groups of animals travelling or living together. I have seen groups living together like fish but not as a travelling herd.

25. People if you get a chance please do watch Prehistoric Planet. An awesome documentary . Though they have taken some creative liberties they are added based on current behavior of the only living dinosaurs — birds.

