Midnight diner

Akshay Shetty
3 min readSep 13, 2021

The ideal time to watch a midnight diner episode is exactly as the name suggests — After midnight. After most of the folks are deep asleep. After you hear nothing but just some keyboard strokes and your thoughts. This show is actually comfort food for mind. You are welcomed in the diner with a smile . You see bunch of people from all backgrounds eating and drinking with merriment. If you are first timer, you are surprised to know that the Master can make you anything you want . Anything you want ! Of course, he needs to have the ingredients. You are amazed by all things you can ask for . But what do you settle on ? The absolute one that brings utter happiness you. Nothing fancy even though Master is the master of cooking. Something that reminds of fond memories , something your mother cooked or something your friends chatted over. “AIYO” — the Master accepts the request and you are sitting in the table. The Master disappears into the kitchen even though the entire kitchen is just few steps from you. The folks at the table are not regular folks. They are ones working jobs that your parents might disapprove but they are trying to live their lives. Many trying to save enough to get to the next level of life — Maybe something regular jobs with a happy marriage and children. All with every sort of troubles that impede a joyful living. You realize that they are actually not different from you or everyone else out there trying to “MAKE IT” . As you lost in thoughts, the Master arrives with your food. You take out the wooden chopsticks and take the first bite. “OYSHHIIII” — Delicious. You are transported back in time when you were just a kid with no worries and Mom is making your favorite with extra spice . The most important moment in your life . Nothing to think over or work out. You are in the moment, enjoying the moment and nothing else. Everything else is white noise.

Midnight Diner is a show that soothes your soul like your comfort food. Each episode you see a different highlighted dish of the main character. The Master is not the main character , that would surprise the hell out of you. The Master is the epitome of kindness and non-interference. He is actually the only one in the whole universe who probably follows the Prime Directive ( cheers Trekkie fans). The Master won’t judge you. No he doesn’t decide whether you are good or bad based on what you say. He will listen to all you say, all things that you think can make you weak or vulnerable or laughable. He will only talk when you ask him or when he thinks is absolutely what you want to hear but scared to act on. Master and all the regulars never judge a person based on his/her sex, gender, work or anything that spews hatred.

The regulars at the diner are compassionate and kind even if you feel they can be judgmental at times. Even a Yakusa boss sees everyone with kindness. This diner is actually a home for all those that have no one else, misfits to the regular society.

I think there are many things we can learn from Midnight Diner. The foremost being kind to everyone else. Everyone has a story, everyone has a deep hole inside the beating heart. We should strive be like the Master , listening to whatever the person has to say and withholding our judgement. Sometimes people just want someone to listen to their souls without requiring any comforting words or solution. Everyone should know how to cook for themselves and for others for whenever the circumstances arise. People be themselves at the dinner table. Food is what brings us closer. I think I realize what Anthony Bourdain had been trying all along. Whenever someone offers food or eats your food, they offer a part of their world for you to join.

I have so many things I want to say but the show has themes and emotions that I can’t just bring it in words.

Master [ Source: https://www.newyorker.com/recommends/watch/midnight-diner ]

