Prey — My thoughts and review

Akshay Shetty
1 min readAug 7, 2022

Prey was released on Hulu last Friday. I stayed late to watch this movie and I must say I aboso-fucking-lutely loved it ! I am a fan of the first Predator movie and it pains me to even the mention the terrible sequels starting with Predator 2 and ending with the absolute worst the Predator. This movie is penance for all the crimes that were done to this franchise.

  1. Amber Midthunder (Naaru), Dakato Beavers ( Tabe) and Dane DiLiegro (Predator) were the standout actors in this movie.
  2. I really like Naaru as the female protagonist and would definitely would put her just behind Ripley and Sarah Connor. We all love underdog story and the growth to become the leader of the same band.
  3. The cinematography of the forest and the the lands was mesmerizing. I would have definitely paid to watch this movie in IMAX theatre.
  4. They really did understand the core philosophy of the Predator — Underdog ( Human ) vs Goliath ( Predator) against the backdrop of nature. See the first one and Prey to really appreciate that.
  5. The all native American cast is well suited for the movie and definitely added a lot to the story presentation.
  6. The Feral Predator or Young Predator I guess was also good and had interesting character development as well. Going from stealth mode to just plain arrogance by showing up constantly.
  7. The first half is slow as they are building towards the action. I didn’t mind it all even though we already what the Predator does.

