The Bear

Akshay Shetty
2 min readJul 20, 2022

Last weekend I watched in one or two sitting the entire “The Bear” series. I felt a sense of wonder and upliftment at the end of the series. I , and even the internet agrees, felt it was the spiritual adaptation of our beloved Anthony Bourdain’s “Kitchen Confidential”. The actors are were all great and really authentic in their roles as the kitchen staff. I am still trying to remember the actors’ names as I just blazed past the season. Glad they are making a season 2.

Episode 7- Wow , an entire episode in a single shot. Hats off to the actors but even more to the amazing team behind the camera. I read they took 4–5 attempts but that is still amazing. Carmy was wrong in shouting but I still think that both Sydney and Marcus acted immature in crucial hours of the restaurant. Carmy did apologize to them but I didn’t even feel a sense of remorse from Sydney and Marcus. Marcus in particular. Man, personal time is separate from working hours no matter the Archimedes moment.

The series is a journey for Carmy to get the recognition from his brother that he craved for a long time. He finally did get that in the last episode via Micky’s letter and money enough to start a fine diner( Season 2 ? ).

Actor playing Ritchie knocked it out of the park. A character looking for something to live for after Micky’s suicide. I think his character developed throughout the series and achieved a conclusion after the fight in the bar.

The word I associate with Sydney — Impatient. She is good but she is always in a hurry. We infer first from his bankruptcy from her catering business , and then with push to online orders and Risotto.

I loved the cinematography and general dirtiness of a running kitchen.

I am always surprised by folks who join the restaurant business. Razor thin margins, fucked up working hours, abusive bosses and a constant pressure to stay on top of all things , food or otherwise.

Anthony Bourdain would have fucking loved this series !

