Thor : Love and Thunder

Akshay Shetty
1 min readJul 11, 2022
  1. I did not like the movie. I thought it was dull and very on the nose in some scenes
  2. Why does this movie feel like a mockumentary instead of a fantasy movie ?
  3. So many plotlines ; Jane’s cancer to Mighty Thor, Ghorr’s revenge and Thor’s redemption again ?
  4. Complete tonal changes in each plotlines.
  5. Thessa Thomposon wasted as a character . Her dialogues are not funny and not at all comparable to ones in Ragnorak.
  6. Thor progressively getting stupider in each subsequent movie ? Also the jokes didn’t land for me.
  7. Russell Crowe as Zeus. Didn’t like the fake Greek ascent but I did like the performance.
  8. Why are we supposed to care about the kid. She died in the first few minutes of the movie and resurrected at the every last minute of the movie. So Thor adopts her ? I mean there was no indication he was looking for family.
  9. The fake stage play was quite funny until Hela arrives. Matt Damon giving his 100%.
  10. Christian Bale could have been great. Too bad, he is just in some scenes NOT BUTUCHERING gods.
  11. Krog was not required that much in the movie just for the sake of comedy. Also the goats were funny for two or three scenes max. Not funny afterwards.

